
This web app is the result of the research "Alchemy, technology and quotidian life: Interactive museography for the Leonora Carrington Study House." This research consisted of the creation of an interactive museography system, interdisciplinary methodologies had to be created and storytelling, information design, technologies such as beacons, webapp and augmented reality were combined.

My collaboration in this project consisted of:
  • Research
  • Creation of methodologies
  • Identity of the project
  • Graphic resources and illustrations
  • UX design and Front End development
  • Editorial design

The web app result

We had a first version but according to user evaluations we created a second versions, this one is still in progress , but you can take a peek the Figma prototype and design system.
The methodology "Mobile first" was applied in this project and is designed based on Bootstrap framework.

Our thesis project won an honorific mention at the National design contest 2021 "Diseña México" in the master's degree category.